Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014

Its been awhile everyone so I figured I would update everyone and do this monthly.  This is January in a nut shell.  So far it has been a great year.  So much has happened in January and we have enjoyed every minute of it. 
We started off the year with our block party.  And, it was not as many people as lastt year but it was still a GREAT time :)

First of all let me start off by apologizing for all my facebook post.  I know they have been really random but I just do it to motivate myself.  I figured if I put it out there then when I see you all we better see a difference.  So, I have been on the workout grind for 10 days now and not enjoying it.  To me it is painful and sucks.  I don't enjoy it at all :( but I still do it cause I want to look good this summer.  I even bought myself a kettleball today :S So, we shall see how using it works out for me.  I've picked up my game a little too since there is nothing else for me to do :( I am still doing the squat challenge this time and I am up too 150 squats.  And, on my elliptical I am up to 90 minutes :) I know some of you think that is a lot.  And, it is but I talk  myself through it the whole time and tell myself there is nothing to it but to do it.  So we shall see if I get good results, like I am hoping too.  Next Monday I am starting this insane detox :( I have to sacrifice myself for 5 days :( I just keep telling myself its only 5 days :S 

Besides cleaning (which I do everyday) I have started planting veggies.  I want to reduce my grocery l;ist so I hope I am successful.  It's only february and we already have green bell pepers, tomatoes, oranges, and lemons growing out there.  I started and am working on some red bell peppers, Jalapenos, Cucumbers, Carrots, Lettuce, Okra, Brocolli and some Collards.  So, I am hoping I am successful and I will soon see.
Some of the vegetables :)

Given that I want and I am planting vegetables we have been working on our garden too.  And, so far it has been great,  It is a work in progress but sill great,  And, we haven't finished our floors yet :( still just a hallway and the master bedroom and closet to go.  I am hoping we are able to knock it out this month because Brandon has been working on it for what seems like forever :S

And OMG there are so many babies being expected out there and I can't wait to meet my new nephew and my cousins baby :) One picture I find that I love to just look at is this picture.  Yeah its kind of weird my brother left, joined the military and found his wife and family in no time :S they are great people and his daughter just turned 4. 
He is our Hero too so I guess we will share him with a great family.

I was emotional at other weddings but I cried my eyes out at his wedding.  So many emotions came over me :S  Ultmately I was so happy for him and the fact that he found his princess and was going to be adding to our family.

I was able to see this prince this month too.  He is the best baby in the world.  I have not heard him cry yet :S He is an angel really.
The sweetest angel ever  :)

We also got new windows this month.  And, for me it is the greatest thing ever.  Its like we are in a new house.  We still have a couple more projects to work on but so far it has been GREAT.  

Then it was my bros bday.  No, not my brother that is in the military but my bro Sean who jusr had the baby.  So we were able to get together with everyone and have a good time :)
The Guys

I think thats it.  Not 100% sure though.  All I do know is that January had a lot to offer so I hope it stays this way.  Most people ask me what I do all day when I am home alone.  Well, I work in the garden, clean, workout, read and play games. 

Lastly, like most people I have a new years resolution.  Like most people have been there and continue to be there for me during hard times.  I want to stay connected to people. So, don't be surprised if I text you for any reason. 

Lastly, I am in a messed up situation still and I have seen some peoples true color.  It is funny how people are there for you in bad tims and thats it :S.  I want people there for me all the time.  When things are good and bad. 

I am also so fortunate to be married to my best friend.  He is by my side no matter what.  When things are, good bad and ugly.  It is ultimately so funny to me how he is still here.  And, I fell like I am totally still in the honeymood phase,  I appreciate him so much for all he does.  We are so fortunate to continue to be so fortunate despite what we have been through.  So we continue to be blessed people.  

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