Monday, August 1, 2016

July 2016 in Review

We have to deal with it, we are officially half way into the year :S Its CRAZY :S  We have had a fun filled summer thus far :) We have gone to the lake 2x already :) & have throughly enjoyed it :) This month we won't be able to go until MAYBE the end of the month because we have to many things going on :S its okay it will all be worth it & we will enjoy ourselves either way :) 

We started off the month by attending the Davis Wedding on July 2nd.  It was a GREAT wedding :) I LOVE going to weddings & feeling all the love in the air.
Girl photo booth shot :)
Congratulations Andrew & Michelle

Then the following week my mom had cataract surgery so I had to take her in and stuff so I spent 3 days over there :)   Her surgery went well.

Then I had a full fledge girls weekend :) That Thursday I went out with some of my closets girl friends to go catch up :) it was a great evening :) did a lot of catching up :)

Then Friday was my cousin Mercedes birthday so we went out to have a girls day at the spa :) I LOVE all of what Glen Ivy has to offer :)
Happy Birthday Mercedes
Cousin time :)

Then Saturday I went down to Irvine to my other cousin Sonia's and my BFFs Lacie place and spent the rest of the weekend there :) We went down to San Diego because we had another cousin in from out of town.  It was a full fledge cousin weekend :)
I throughly enjoyed all of it :)

Then on 7/16/2016 Brandon had a class reunion that last minute didn't go down :S so we didn't make any plans for the weekend cause we thought we had plans :S  We would have probably gone to the lake again :S so because we didn't have any plans we just sat back and had a lazy weekend at home :) We were juiced though :) Brandon needed the lazy weekend and the show Power returned so of course we had to watch it :) This is 1 out of 3-4 shows that is a MUST watch for us :)

Then we kept on moving forward in the month :) the lake/river hasn't seen us this month though and I'm bummed about it especially since its been so HOT :S but we are making the most of it :) we had a few quotes come for the a/c SO I know its coming :) I think my mind has been playing tricks on me and the more & more I think about it the hotter and hotter I get :) but it has been HOT we are in a sever heat wave & this 100+ temperatures is no joke :S I sit back and wonder how have we done it all these years :) I guess maybe because before I was at work all day but now I'm in this HOT ASS house all day LOL the new windows we put in have definitely helped :) So if you ever wonder why we don't have people over in the summer thats why cause its HOT.  Our fridge also took a dump this month :S SO MAD :S so that HAS to be replaced no if and of buts about it, it is a must :S but i'm just mad at all the expenses we have going out the door this month I'm like geez ::S

At the end of the month I was SO nervous :S last month my therapist asked me to speak at a conference and to just tell my story and milestones/goals I have been able to achieve and over come.  So, Brandon & my mom came for support which I needed cause I was SO nervous, cause I'm SO not a public speaker, but I did it :) reading the Facebook support I had,and people sending random text were a good boast.  The greatest feedback that I got from Brandon 2-3 nights before the conference.  He said "its your story who can tell it better then you, snd if you mess up no one will know" he was SO write.  its my story, a story that I want to tell so what better place could I tell it then at a TBI conference.  So, I ran with it :) he was right it is my story a story I want to tell and in SO in the preliminary stages of writing my story into a book but its coming :) Writing a book is a goal I set for myself :) #maybebynextspring#hopefully:)

Then at the end of the month we attended the Ward wedding :) I like to go to gorgeous weddings :) I LOVE all the LOVE I feel :)
Kenny & Ruth

I unknowingly matched the wedding coolers :) I was pumped up about that :) 

These days as always I'm still on my workout grind and 140 pounds has SO grown on me :) I ended the month weighing 140.9 and I measured myself and there was a difference in some areas, I think thats because the muscle is coming :) I feel great and slowly but surely can feel the muscle coming in.  So I was able to hit my goal of 140 and living with it.  The 135 was my ultimate goal which I may never see cause even though I feel and look great the scale is still going up :S and from the research I have been doing its not that muscle weighs more then fat but its the volume of muscle that makes a difference.  So hmm... i'm just assuming I have more muscle so its taking more volume so thats why I am weigh more :) so just agree :) i'm satisfied thus far but will continue to stay active as always :) its my healthy time killer/ coping mechanism :)

This month the cuban in me came out :) dealing with this heat there is no way I was going to slave over a stove so I let the crockpot do all the work for me :) I just threw everything in the crockpot for a few hours :) it turned out good but i know there are other recipes out there as well for this and lots of other things so please share :) Im all about letting my crockpot do the work for me especially these days in this HEAT  :) 

Then we ended the month on a fabulous date night :) we have date nights like all the time :) like every weekend when it is Brandon's turn to cook :) We have an agreement I cook during the week and he handles the weekend :) So if he is not BBQing then we are out and about LOL :) I LOVE it :) it was funny cause he was in a sushi mode which is SO not like him :) So, we hit up the local Japanese restaurant which was cool :) This kind of food you have to SO be in the mode for, which he was and I tolerated it :) and had some yummy chicken fried rice and egg rolls :) 
Asian Beer :)

Glad we had a good month and made the most of things :) The River/lake will see us in August and I am juiced :) we have a few things booked because family is coming and working on a few other things :) our August Calendar is already booked and i'm juiced for all the things we have coming up :) 

I hope everyone else has had a good summer thus far as well :) Stay blessed people :) & you women that are apart of my workout group post something or I will be calling people out :)