Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stressful but Fabulous trip to Texas

This past week was so stressful but FABULOUS.  I think it was my most stressful and emotional day i've had to date.  You would have thought that the last two weddings were hard.  But, they were a walk in the park compaired to how I was on Tuesday.  I was Balling :S.  It has been a year full of weddings.   So, I am actually really glad I did it first.  We got the ball rolling, so now everybody is falling suit. 

I just have people winning the race.  A race I never thought I was in.  But, my brother clarified that for me this weekend.  He told me I may have won the race to the alter but not the baby race.  I am so excited that I have a new neice and a new peanut on the way :).

Then I also get to be a new aunt some time this week.  Because my best friend has a peanut on the way.  And, the peanut should be arriving this week.  The due date is the 20th but who knows when the peanut will makes his/her debut.  And then my brother is due in April.  So, I see many trips to Texas in my future.  I am just so not getting use or will get use to this whole long distant aunt stuff:S

This week we drove to Texas and I have no idea how I will travel in the future.  The drive was actually not that bad.  It was just long as hell.  But, we were able to come back quicker then getting there.  I just wish I wasnt so scared of Tornadoes.  I asked so much about them, it was funny to most people.  But, I was thinking about the reality of the situation.  Tornadoes go through Texas and we were next too tornadoe alley.  Which totally freaked me out. 

It was a great weekend with great events.  Got to attend the bridal shower a baby shower and do the tourist thing and see the Bush old residence. 


I like I said driving to Texas wasn't that bad, but I arrived tired as hell


So, now its time to sit back and wait for babys to arrive and get checked out to join the race since apparently there is a race :S

This is my new neice and co-pilot all weekend :) She is such a busy body.

So all in all it has been a fabulous week.  I am so ready for this week to be over and get back to work.  A person can only and is willing to clean so much. And, I have had it up to here already with all the cleaning I have done.  My resume has been blank for 2 years now.  So, it is time for me to spruce it up.  I swear I didnt go to school and get my masters degree for no reason :S  I have purpose in life.  What it is  may be unknown bur that is so OK with me.  My plan is to just keep moving forward.  

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