Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Vacation

Our Thanksgiving break was great and we got to go to Alabama.  So we got to spend time with family.  But the beginning of our trip was rough, but we got to see a little bit of Dallas.  Cause we were 2 minutes late to our connecting flight we had to stay the night in Dallas and the airlines did not pay for any thing at all.:(.  So we didn't arrive until Wednesday and then it took use like 4 hours to go 45 mins cause the car kept on breaking down.  And then the car ahead of us with family got a flat tire.  So our arrival came with so much drama.

Ok, so then Thursday was game day and we had good eating and I've gained some weight and so has Brandon.  So time to start dieting.  Then on Friday we headed back down to mobile and saw his mom. And Saturday our cousin Alana had a family gathering at her house and we saw the USC game and a lot of cousins there.  And then Sunday was a church day.

And then the rest of the week we had fun and saw family and went fishing and then on our last Friday we  went to the shooting range with our cousin Jason and I shoot a little bit and had tons of fun.  We were out so late with cousins and then Saturday night flew back home :( it went by so fast.  And then Sunday it rained all day so we spent time with the dogs and doing laundry.  And my whore peanut is pregnant so if you are interested in a pup hit me up.

So now I'm back at my parents house, with my dog and everything is ok over here I just hate not having my independence.  So I am praying my husband grinders out the next 3 weeks and then I can go back home and be a little bit more independent.  And maybe when I get back home I can journal everyday.

So, all in all for thanksgiving I just missed my cousins, the drinking, and the shopping all which I love.

So hopefully for Christmas it will be great too.

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