I get to live a fun-filled life :) it is funny how you get to find ways to fill up your time :) I have a lot of time to do a whole lot of nothing :S It is extremely funny how I find ways to fill up my time and always do a whole lot of nothing but I stay busy all the time doing a whole lot of nothing :) I live the dream life :)
It is also extremely funny how you find HATERS out there :S Don't HATE I am glad I am still here and am able to do what I do which is nothing :S There are times where I do find myself bored and thinking WHY?? I guess I have to accept that I will never get an answer :S Its hard though :S and sometimes it makes me sad when people question why I haven't gone back to work yet. When I think of the grand scheme of things I have an answer :S Somewhat. I figure I did go to school and had a GREAT job and applied my degree for a little while in order to make good money and be able to get good money now for doing a whole lot of nothing. I am still in the myths of thinking what else can I possibly do :S and maybe I do need to apply myself a little harder. I just get so semiconscious about my speech. So I do a whole lot of speech therapy now :) yeah I was in speech therapy for a little while and it helped but it was SO boring :S a lot of it I can do on my own :) As far as my schooling goes it wasn't for nothing still working on a couple of other things when it comes to that. So, I hope god continues to bless me when it comes to that.
We Started off the month at Slatters 50/50 for a friends birthday :) We had a good time like always :)
Then that weekend we went to my parents house for the hubby's birthday. So, we were able to get some family time in :)
Me and the birthday boy :)
Girls shot :)
My parents and the birthday boy :) He cracks me up :)
Then the following weekend we had a fun filled weekend with friends at SDBW at a Guild Festival We started off the weekend here by spending Friday night at Gordon Burch while waiting for friends.
Then when they got there we spent the rest of the evening at Stone right in San Diego at Liberty Station :) We usually go to the Stone in Escondido but decided to try this one out since it had just recently opened :) We had a GREAT time :) We are so happy that we were able to keep our tradition alive and still go. Out of the last 6 years we have been able to attend SDBW 4/6 times for obvious reasons :) It is all about tradition and celebrating the guys birthday when we do get to attend :)
This is us at the Guild Festival :) and the Hubby was in heaven :) So, glad he was. This is the first time we were able to attend the Guild Festival and I see it in our future :) The goal is to attend this festival every year from here on out :) it is a new tradition.
Then the following weekend I had a fun filled time with family :) The girls had soccer games and then we went to the mail and I got ALOT of shopping on a budget in :) I even bought Peanut a Santa outfit to wear for Christmas :) I love spoiling my dogs:)
Emely and ELLIE #myneciesareSOdamnadorable:)
Then the next day we attended the Raider game and they were playing the Chargers :) We were able to have a blast with a group of friends and Michelle surprised Andrew for his birthday and actually attended the game :) I think it was a wonderful surprise.
Michelle and I #welookHOT
Andrew and Brandon :) TheguysareOKIguesslol:)
Us at the game :) We had gteat seats in the warm sun :) I am so thankful that we were in the sun and not in the shade, It also wasn't that windy in San Diego :) But the wind was blowing hard at home when we left :S
Then the next day I was able to spend the evening with this prince while the guys attended the clipper game :) This little guy gets into everything and be running around instead of walking and has the cutest 2 step :) He be grooving :)
I stole this creative idea from my comadre :) not to bad huh? I love to be creative :)
Then we went on a 5+ mile hike up in the etiwanda trails :) We love hiking :) Its funny I wear my army hat with such PRIDE these days :) my brother is SO missed :)
Then it was Emely's Birthday :) She turned the BIG 9 :) it was a Glow in the Dark PJ party and I went with these ladies and had a GREAT time jumping around :) I was A BIG kid that day :)
The Birthday girl and I :) Happy Birthday Emely :)
Then it was our friends birthday #HapyBirthdayAndrew:) So we got to go out to eat with some friends to the hubbys favorite restaurant :) Black Angus :)
My niece was also home for Thanksgiving so we ventured out and found a GREAT dog park for the dogs to enjoy :) I need to take my princess a lot more often :) the whole day she never left my side she was SO nervous :)
Then the holidays hit :S We spent the day at a cousins house and filled up on some GREAT food :) I didn't get to really enjoy because my wisdom tooth has been bothering me :S Leftovers lasted until Sunday morning ;) So I got a break from the kitchen :)
Then that Saturday we celebrated my neices birthday which is today 12/1 :) we had to celebrate before she headed back to school :) She is the big 20 so only 1 more year and she will be fully legal and done with school :) at least the first part of school that is :) She is out there making us all very proud :)
Lastly, I get to wake up to this picture EVERY
DAY:) Its a GREAT picture and I LOVE IT :)
DAY:) Its a GREAT picture and I LOVE IT :)

Someone is also 8 months today :) I have the cutest nieces and nephew. He is SO going to be a heart breaker some day :) Look at that smile :) Gotta love it :)
The garden is still coming along wonderfully :) I work out there a little every day :) it gives me something to do :) I still be clipping my coupons :) but I know there has to be something more to it :S I love to save a dollar but want to become EXTREME I need suggestions so give them to me :) We don't do anything these days without a coupon :) I also, love my home gym :) I like to workout when ever I feel like it :) I haven't gotten into a normal routine like I once was :) I hit it only a few times this month where as before I was working out like everyday:S We had way to much stuff going on this last month so it was WAY to hard. But a piece of me missed it all :) So today is the beginning of a new month so time to get back to it :) Can't believe we only have 30 days left in the year :S So much has happened :S and time has just been flying us bye :S #WHEREHASTHETIMEGONE!!!
Stay Blessed Everyone :) XOXO
Stay Blessed Everyone :) XOXO
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