Raider Fan 4 Life :)
We started off this month at the lake. Which we usually don't do the holidays but decided too this year and thankfully it wasn't that bad :) We had a GREAT time out there with some of our friends :)
End of the summer 2014
Every chance he had he took a dip :)
Tried a new steak house called the Saltgrass and it was Good :)
Kicked off football season here with friends :) 

Then I went out to eat with-old co-workers:) and it was GREAT to see everyone and catch up :)
We had to miss our God Son's 1st birthday party because we were at the lake :( I was SO bummed but as soon as we got back we went to go see him :) He is like a real little man walking all by himself its amazing :)
Then this little prince turned 5 months on the 1st :S and, is 6 months old today. I have no idea where the time has gone :S And, this month my brother had to leave for Germany :S He gets to live the great military life and see the world :) So, there are benefits and negatives to it :S Getting to see the world and leaving your family :S So many mixed emotions its crazy. Its one thing that I don't get to see him because he lives in a different state and another thing about him leaving the country :S So many mixed emotions.
I am such a coupon clipper these days :) We don't do anything without a coupon :) I'm not obsessed and extreme with it yet but I would love to be :) any help???
Got to go out to one of my hubby's favorite restaurants before he got a guys night in, in Las Vegas :)
Someone got spoiled and kept me company while the hubby was gone :)
We hiked Monrovia Canyon this month a little under 10 miles took use like 5 hours and I was tired and sore for a couple of days afterwards :) had to get this in to see if I am going to be able to do the Mt. Wilson hike 14 miles round trip at the end of the month :S Luckily I was able to do it and I enjoy hiking.
We had to miss our God Son's 1st birthday party because we were at the lake :( I was SO bummed but as soon as we got back we went to go see him :) He is like a real little man walking all by himself its amazing :)
Then this little prince turned 5 months on the 1st :S and, is 6 months old today. I have no idea where the time has gone :S And, this month my brother had to leave for Germany :S He gets to live the great military life and see the world :) So, there are benefits and negatives to it :S Getting to see the world and leaving your family :S So many mixed emotions its crazy. Its one thing that I don't get to see him because he lives in a different state and another thing about him leaving the country :S So many mixed emotions.
I am such a coupon clipper these days :) We don't do anything without a coupon :) I'm not obsessed and extreme with it yet but I would love to be :) any help???
Got to go out to one of my hubby's favorite restaurants before he got a guys night in, in Las Vegas :)
Someone got spoiled and kept me company while the hubby was gone :)
We hiked Monrovia Canyon this month a little under 10 miles took use like 5 hours and I was tired and sore for a couple of days afterwards :) had to get this in to see if I am going to be able to do the Mt. Wilson hike 14 miles round trip at the end of the month :S Luckily I was able to do it and I enjoy hiking.
I got to see this prince this month :) He spent the day with me :) He is such an angel :)
This is the picture we took at the top of Mt. Wilson :) We were all the way in the clouds :) it was AMAZING:)
Can you see him? He decided to go all out and be one with nature :) So he got Camo to go from head to toe:) He looked GREAT and everyone loved it :)
He's gear consisted of all camo from head to toe while mine consisted of just an Army hat :) Its funny I am one proud army sister :) #ARMYSTRONG:) #ImissmybrotherandwanthimtobebackandforitsobeJoeysfirstbirthdaysoIcanseehimagainIonlysawhimatbirth:S
Overall, it has been a wild and crazy month and so far it has been a horrible football season but we are still going to the game in November in San Diego :) We are Raider fans if we win, loss or tie : I still do a whole lot of nothing :S and currently looking for work and everyone's ideas are great I plan to follow up on all of them :) I still work out all the damn time and have these last eight pounds to lose until I'm completely satisfied. I'm satisfied but not completely. They say to set yourself up with goals and work at them which I am doing :S If anyone has any good ideas to drop these last 8 pounds please share. The garden is still coming along wonderfully too :) I cut and work out there and wash greens like ALL the time #everyday:S We have like 14 bags frozen thus far and have that deep freezer now :) so my husbands dream of having greens everyday is coming true. This month we had them all the time :S #likeeveryday Hope everyone else has had a great month too :) Stay blessed people :)
I added all the blessings to my home decor :) I have a Picture of Claire, Joey, Isaiah, Christina, Emely and Ellie. But I think I need to add more. So if you have a little blessing send me a picture so I can add it to my collection :) I need some more family pictures. I need a picture of Amaya up there :)
Then at the end of the month we continued to have fun. I got to meet the brownies little girl and she is precious. I was able to attend Aisha Jades 2nd birthday party :) and finally meet her :)
Then that night we had an adult birthday party to attend. #HAPPYBIRTHDAYSURFY:) Which called for a semi late night and then the next morning we went on a supposedly 14 mile turn around hike with friends for another friends birthday HAPPYBIRTHDAYMICHELLE:) Going on a hike was a GREAT idea :) I am SO PROUD of my self cause I did it even though at several point I was ready to give up :S But I completed the task.This is the picture we took at the top of Mt. Wilson :) We were all the way in the clouds :) it was AMAZING:)
He's gear consisted of all camo from head to toe while mine consisted of just an Army hat :) Its funny I am one proud army sister :) #ARMYSTRONG:) #ImissmybrotherandwanthimtobebackandforitsobeJoeysfirstbirthdaysoIcanseehimagainIonlysawhimatbirth:S
Overall, it has been a wild and crazy month and so far it has been a horrible football season but we are still going to the game in November in San Diego :) We are Raider fans if we win, loss or tie : I still do a whole lot of nothing :S and currently looking for work and everyone's ideas are great I plan to follow up on all of them :) I still work out all the damn time and have these last eight pounds to lose until I'm completely satisfied. I'm satisfied but not completely. They say to set yourself up with goals and work at them which I am doing :S If anyone has any good ideas to drop these last 8 pounds please share. The garden is still coming along wonderfully too :) I cut and work out there and wash greens like ALL the time #everyday:S We have like 14 bags frozen thus far and have that deep freezer now :) so my husbands dream of having greens everyday is coming true. This month we had them all the time :S #likeeveryday Hope everyone else has had a great month too :) Stay blessed people :)
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