Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
We'll the holidays are hitting us again :S I swear they came by so FAST. Where do I start it is not even Christmas yet and I already have my decor out and gifts wrapped. SMH. It will be up the day after Thanksgiving thou :S I want to get our tree that day too. I love the smell of pine :) but, first is Thanksgiving and we will be home. Having turkey and all those damn trimmings, it makes my liquid diet go out the door :). I will be grubbing on Thursday and then starting my diet again until Christmas. I think I did ok on my liquid diet and lost about 9lbs which is good. But I need to lose more because I wanna hit my ultimate goal this time. I swear I am determined this time. I wanna be river/lake ready. What have a been up too, well getting my practice on with driving because I need to do the behind the wheel test next Thursday and I am so nervous about that. And feeling out these DAMN surveys. I have been able to make $16 in two days which I guess is ok. But, still I do these damn surveys all day and I need them to give me more ;) I have about 90% of my Xmas shopping done which is a good thing. Because a broke girl shopping on a budget gas been no fun at all to me :S so, I am ready to do Black Friday shopping to hopefully finish that other 10% of gifts. I got good news this week too my brother and his family are coming home for Christmas :) I get to see him and his family :) it's amazing the amount of love you can have for people when they become apart of your family. His wife is awesome and caring his little boy she's about 51/2 months already and already has a little sweat girl. Little Claire Bear is loved so much too. So, I think that's all I have going on right now. Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, get together with the girls for xmas, Xmas, and New Years. And, I think our neighborhood is having a block party again for New Years but not 100% sure yet I'm more like 90% sure though but I will be double checking with the neighborhood.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I am a Scorpio and I love it. It has been one of the best Scorpio/birthdays to date, if you don't count my husband surprising me last year for my birthday which was GREAT. But, to date I have been a busy body planning a lot of things. So, where do I start to fill you in.
Ok, I am no longer feeling blah thank god, because that feeling was horrible. :S. I got to see 2/3 of my favorite girls, to carve pumpkins for Halloween, and I/they did a GREAT job. Group started this month for me and it's great being apart of such a supportive circle of people. I am happy that I am no longer the only one. I stopped school back in August and had them email me all of the games they were having me do. So I am keeping at it.
Halloween was ok, and my hubby was a JERK. We had kids knocking on the door even though he put a bucket and a sign outside. The bucket was empty and the sign said take one only LOL. That junk was horrible but I was rolling since we had no candy anyways.
My birthday was good. Got a ton a birthday wishes and gifts.
The hubby birthday was a BYOB get together. It was a surprise and I did not tell him about it until the day of the get together. Totally caught him off guard. So many wonderful people came by. I'm. still mad the Raiders lost the game though. It's ok though Terrell will pick up his game eventually. This is a playoff year for us. Come on baby Just Win.
It was also great because I finally got to meat Isaiah Oneill Davis. Such a great kid. He did not cry at all and stayed up the whole time. The kid did not want to miss a thing.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving. As of right now there are no plans that I am aware of. Looking forward to Black Friday deals because this girl needs the deals. Having no job and money for someone who loves to shop SUCKS. so if anyone knows of any good deals out there let me know. I am all about Black Friday but not having to do the research :S
This weekend is Emelys 8th birthday party, so I get to see family. It is so hard to believe that it has been 8 years already :S I can remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. Damn time flies :S
It's been over a year that my other niece has been at school and I get to see her for Thanksgiving too. Time does fly. Come to think of it my injury happened over 2 years ago. And, I am still recovering everyday. So, what do i do with my time? We'll I HATE not being a financial contributing factor in my house so I found these online surveys that you can fill out and they send you stuff in the mail. So, I have been doing that everyday all day, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, exercising. Some of these things I HATE to do but I still do it to help pass the time.
So, a lot has been going on, and then on top of that I have 2 get togethers coming up. 1) on the 24th with the Brownies, it's going to be a little Friends Thanksgiving get together were I finally get to meet the kids too. And, then the other get together looks like it's going to be the first 2 weeks in December in Ontario at BJS. Not 100% sure yet though. And, then on top of all this I am also trying to think of ideas for a book. Because I swear I am writing one. I have gone through hell and back so I want to share my story to motivate others.
I'm still looking for a place to volunteer like I tell my husband. I HATE feeling like I got my Masters degree for nothing. There is a reason behind it :S. So, if any one knows of any decent volunteer positions out there let me know because I got my OMNI pass approved and still working on getting my license back. Just got PW from the doctor that I have to submit and then take a drivers safety course, then go take a test to get my permit, then do behind the wheel therapy, then do a behind the wheel test. It is a bunch of BS if you ask me. I just want my damn license back, cause not being able to drive sucks :(.
Ok, I am no longer feeling blah thank god, because that feeling was horrible. :S. I got to see 2/3 of my favorite girls, to carve pumpkins for Halloween, and I/they did a GREAT job. Group started this month for me and it's great being apart of such a supportive circle of people. I am happy that I am no longer the only one. I stopped school back in August and had them email me all of the games they were having me do. So I am keeping at it.
Halloween was ok, and my hubby was a JERK. We had kids knocking on the door even though he put a bucket and a sign outside. The bucket was empty and the sign said take one only LOL. That junk was horrible but I was rolling since we had no candy anyways.
My birthday was good. Got a ton a birthday wishes and gifts.
The hubby birthday was a BYOB get together. It was a surprise and I did not tell him about it until the day of the get together. Totally caught him off guard. So many wonderful people came by. I'm. still mad the Raiders lost the game though. It's ok though Terrell will pick up his game eventually. This is a playoff year for us. Come on baby Just Win.
It was also great because I finally got to meat Isaiah Oneill Davis. Such a great kid. He did not cry at all and stayed up the whole time. The kid did not want to miss a thing.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving. As of right now there are no plans that I am aware of. Looking forward to Black Friday deals because this girl needs the deals. Having no job and money for someone who loves to shop SUCKS. so if anyone knows of any good deals out there let me know. I am all about Black Friday but not having to do the research :S
This weekend is Emelys 8th birthday party, so I get to see family. It is so hard to believe that it has been 8 years already :S I can remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. Damn time flies :S
It's been over a year that my other niece has been at school and I get to see her for Thanksgiving too. Time does fly. Come to think of it my injury happened over 2 years ago. And, I am still recovering everyday. So, what do i do with my time? We'll I HATE not being a financial contributing factor in my house so I found these online surveys that you can fill out and they send you stuff in the mail. So, I have been doing that everyday all day, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, exercising. Some of these things I HATE to do but I still do it to help pass the time.
So, a lot has been going on, and then on top of that I have 2 get togethers coming up. 1) on the 24th with the Brownies, it's going to be a little Friends Thanksgiving get together were I finally get to meet the kids too. And, then the other get together looks like it's going to be the first 2 weeks in December in Ontario at BJS. Not 100% sure yet though. And, then on top of all this I am also trying to think of ideas for a book. Because I swear I am writing one. I have gone through hell and back so I want to share my story to motivate others.
I'm still looking for a place to volunteer like I tell my husband. I HATE feeling like I got my Masters degree for nothing. There is a reason behind it :S. So, if any one knows of any decent volunteer positions out there let me know because I got my OMNI pass approved and still working on getting my license back. Just got PW from the doctor that I have to submit and then take a drivers safety course, then go take a test to get my permit, then do behind the wheel therapy, then do a behind the wheel test. It is a bunch of BS if you ask me. I just want my damn license back, cause not being able to drive sucks :(.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Feeling Blah
Feeling Blah
The last two days I have been feeling blah. I swear I hope this feeling doesn't continue. I have been waking up and doing the same routine so you would think that I would be ok but NO just feeling so BLAH. Like yestrday it was a long ass day because my husband had to work overtime so he wasnt home until 7:00pm. So, it's like what do I do with my day besides play games online all damn day, cook, clean etc. It gets a little tiresome. But, its not like I have any else better to do :S
Today, has been another bad day because since my mother in law is in two I took advantage and went to the DMV. But the damn DMV wont give me my permit because I need medical clearance, and my doctor told me he wont give me medical clearance until I go to therapy and I can't go to therapy without my DAMN permit. So, now I have no idea what to do. I am just so frustrated :S
I kind of like my neices idea of writing down my feelings it is kind of helping :) I cant believe my birthday is this month. I just feel so damn blah. Not another year already :S I just look at it like I am getting older and no kids to speak of :S I want this year to just hurry up and be over with even though 13 is my lucky number :S
Another thing is this. I know facebook exist and I like to post stuff about my day and how I am feeling but not for anyone to take it personnally. Trust I will never hurt myself so dont worry so much about me and call and text me and shed tears and post crap talking about yourself. It isn't about you, I just like to post things because it helps me :) So, it isn't about you.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Blog update
I know this is crazy but this is my update :) I decided to use this instead of writing in a journal everyday like my niece had suggested. So, I figured might as well use this and update it every once in a while. So, where do I begin. We'll everything has been going OK with me. Biggest draw backs are not being able to drive and my memory. So I am working on booth. Cause not being mobile is CRAZY. Like really I have to walk every where I need to go and I have to take care of some business. And, I write EVERYTHING down, so I don't forget. Thank god the OMNI approved me so I can get to volunteering. Because god knows I am a busy body. So, the volunteering position is not working out for me right now so, if any knows of any thing else then please let me know. A girl can only clean and cook so much. And you would think that even though I have been down and out for so long you would think NO but I think I did a good job this last like year or so :)
That is because cooking is not my specialty. That is because a grew up in a house were a man cooks all the time. So, I love that B loves to cook. But, I think I have picked up my game a little. And, love this blog I follow know. It makes cooking easy for me and every meal has been a winner with the hubby. The blog is called "Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour". So, if you are interested check it out.
And, time has been flying bye. Before we know it there will be a new addition to our family. And, the little Prince over there that Sean and Gaby have is a month old already. I'm a little sad because I haven't meet him yet :( BOO!!! Just too much going on. We're has the time gone? Before we know it, it will be my birthday, Halloween, the hubby's birthday/holiday, one of my nieces birthdays, Thanksgiving, my other nieces birthday my brothers birthday and Christmas. Come to think of it there is a lot going on these last few months. Not fair because I have no JOB. But thankfully my SSDI kicked in finally :S so, my income is kind of like if I was working but a lot less :(
But, I swear time is flying bye which in my case is kind of a good thing. I can't wait to meet a few new babies next year. But, especially my brothers baby. That kid is going to be so spoiled :S it's crazy. So, I have my brother due sometime in April and my friend Vane due in February. So, so far that's 2 so I wonder who lucky number 3 is going to be :) because they do say everything comes in 3's :)
That is because cooking is not my specialty. That is because a grew up in a house were a man cooks all the time. So, I love that B loves to cook. But, I think I have picked up my game a little. And, love this blog I follow know. It makes cooking easy for me and every meal has been a winner with the hubby. The blog is called "Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour". So, if you are interested check it out.
And, time has been flying bye. Before we know it there will be a new addition to our family. And, the little Prince over there that Sean and Gaby have is a month old already. I'm a little sad because I haven't meet him yet :( BOO!!! Just too much going on. We're has the time gone? Before we know it, it will be my birthday, Halloween, the hubby's birthday/holiday, one of my nieces birthdays, Thanksgiving, my other nieces birthday my brothers birthday and Christmas. Come to think of it there is a lot going on these last few months. Not fair because I have no JOB. But thankfully my SSDI kicked in finally :S so, my income is kind of like if I was working but a lot less :(
But, I swear time is flying bye which in my case is kind of a good thing. I can't wait to meet a few new babies next year. But, especially my brothers baby. That kid is going to be so spoiled :S it's crazy. So, I have my brother due sometime in April and my friend Vane due in February. So, so far that's 2 so I wonder who lucky number 3 is going to be :) because they do say everything comes in 3's :)
Friday, September 6, 2013
Football has offically started. And, I am a happy girl. Raiders all day every day. Raiders are currently rebuilding so, we are omly going to go 500 this year 8/8. All you haters shut up. You know you are a band wagen fan and have been to a game or two, supporting if you liked it or not. And, unfortunately a RAIDER game is not in the clouds for me this year :( which has a gurl very unhappy. Maybe next year I will tell a different story. The picture bbelow is a picture we took last year. If you ask me it is the BEST picture EVER to date. We will probably take other ones this year.
So, I am glad because we got a Dodger game in last Friday because I am officially a Dodger fan now because Puig has been getting busy. No, football game for me this year :( but at least we can catch it in the tube :) and we are always Direct TVing it :) Lately, I have not had much going on. I just have been sitting back waiting. Waiting for the OMNI to approve me so I can start working. Because a girl can only do so much with her time. And, I am so ready to start getting back to work. I have a purpose in life what it is may be unknown,but I still have to go for the undiscovered. So, I need them to hurry up. Other then that I/We have nothing else going on. This weekend i'm going to go get my exercise on with the girls and am so happy that the 50 shades of Grey came out with a movie. It will be another girls outing because my husband will not want to go to the movies with me to watch that. It is another great excuse for a girls day.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
This little guy is a little piece of heaven, and I haven't even meet him yet :(
This little guy will be one week old tomorrow. He is so loved. The amount of love I have for this guy is incredible. Come to think of it when my brother has a baby he/she will be so spoiled too. I already know when my next trip to Texas will be. Have to plan ahead. But, we are going around the same time the baby is due. So, it will be time to see my neice Claire, and hopefully time to meet the new baby.
Everything has been great. This last weekend was beyond great. Got to go to a well deserved Dodger game to the fair for a buck and an awesome BBQ. i wanted to be Lake bound but my hubby hates the holidays so we could not. So, we made the most of our weekend. We were busy bodies Thank God. No tine for R&R. I will continue to be busy with doctors appointments and taking the dog to get fixed. Thankfully, my neurologist appointments have been going well. I am such an important person that my Social Worker has a presentation to do on little old me in New Orleans, this month. I guess the amount of recovery I did in 2 years is incredible. And, I meet my 2 year mark last month but if you ask me, I am still a work in progress and getting better everyday. They say the most progress happens in the first 2 years. I think maybe the most critical is in the first 2 years then you can still progress slowly. Which I am :)
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
its a BOY
This is INCREDIBLE. I am so HAPPY for my best friend and his wife. The baby is a boy and a little piece of Heaven. Introducing...
Isaiah O'neil Davis.
I love his name,it's perfect. And he is so luckie because he is going to be introduced to a great set of family and friends that loves him so much. He is going to have great parents too. I can hardly wait umtil I finally get to met him. Its crazy the amount of love you can have for a kid even though you havent even met them yet. So, one baby down and 2 more to go from people that i know are expecting. And, who knows who else will be added to that list in the next couple of months. It is also crazy because some people decide to do this with out drugs while other use them. I have no idea how I will be if abd when I get blessed with a new soul. I think the idea of keeping the sex a secret is something I may debate now. It was actually fun building up the suspense. But, I am such a planner. I guess with out knowing the sex I can awlays do like a jungle/safati theme. Who Knows???? Just an idea and something to debate now.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Baby Bliss
There is so much baby talk going around its incredible. Its like I want the baby storke to come visit me next. I really dont care what people think I am beyong ready to be a parent. my bio-clock is ticking and I dont want it to get away from me. Its hard to believe i'll be 33 this year. I dont like to admit my age so after 30 I started counting backward and will be 27 :S
So that is my brothers little peanut up there. Didn't take him long to make me an aunt again. I know it doesn't matter what he has as long as the baby he healthy like he says. But, as I side note I am hoping for a boy because there are to many girls in this family.
And,my Best guy friend was due on Tuesday. But, nothing yet :( The baby is waiting to make her grand entrance.
Then, there are a bunch of us waiting oand debatying on when to concieve. If you ask me I am beyond ready and a girl can only clean house so much.
So, as of right now I am still waiting and getting a bunch of test done :S But, my friend who has been tryinng for a while now is expecting. So there is still some hope :) She is the only thing that keeps me strong and going these days :S
Besides that, I start to volunteer the first week in Septamber. I have to get thid whole sleep cycle and stuff under control. I find myself a sleep all day and then up all night playing on my damn IPAD. It was a great investment but to keep me so occupied at all hours of the night is so not cool :S
So, thats it for now. Expect more post when the baby makes its arrival. Its so hard referrring to the baby as an it, but they have quit the sex a surprise. They dont even know what they are having. I think its a boy with the mommy perfectly round belly.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Stressful but Fabulous trip to Texas
This past week was so stressful but FABULOUS. I think it was my most stressful and emotional day i've had to date. You would have thought that the last two weddings were hard. But, they were a walk in the park compaired to how I was on Tuesday. I was Balling :S. It has been a year full of weddings. So, I am actually really glad I did it first. We got the ball rolling, so now everybody is falling suit.
I just have people winning the race. A race I never thought I was in. But, my brother clarified that for me this weekend. He told me I may have won the race to the alter but not the baby race. I am so excited that I have a new neice and a new peanut on the way :).
Then I also get to be a new aunt some time this week. Because my best friend has a peanut on the way. And, the peanut should be arriving this week. The due date is the 20th but who knows when the peanut will makes his/her debut. And then my brother is due in April. So, I see many trips to Texas in my future. I am just so not getting use or will get use to this whole long distant aunt stuff:S
This week we drove to Texas and I have no idea how I will travel in the future. The drive was actually not that bad. It was just long as hell. But, we were able to come back quicker then getting there. I just wish I wasnt so scared of Tornadoes. I asked so much about them, it was funny to most people. But, I was thinking about the reality of the situation. Tornadoes go through Texas and we were next too tornadoe alley. Which totally freaked me out.
It was a great weekend with great events. Got to attend the bridal shower a baby shower and do the tourist thing and see the Bush old residence.
I like I said driving to Texas wasn't that bad, but I arrived tired as hell
So, now its time to sit back and wait for babys to arrive and get checked out to join the race since apparently there is a race :S
This is my new neice and co-pilot all weekend :) She is such a busy body.
So all in all it has been a fabulous week. I am so ready for this week to be over and get back to work. A person can only and is willing to clean so much. And, I have had it up to here already with all the cleaning I have done. My resume has been blank for 2 years now. So, it is time for me to spruce it up. I swear I didnt go to school and get my masters degree for no reason :S I have purpose in life. What it is may be unknown bur that is so OK with me. My plan is to just keep moving forward.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
We had a FABULOUS weekend. It was really busy but I am thankful that we were able to spend good quality time with great people. The weekend started off on a really busy foot and ended up being that way all weekend. We were late to the wedding rehearsal. For some reason we both were thinking 2pm. Turns out we were both wrong and didn't find out til 11:15am that we had to be there at 12pm :S. The hubby was at work in Riverside and I was at the house packing and getting all ready. I thought I had plenty of time. But, boy did that all change so fast. The hubby called me at 11:20 and told me to be ready in 10 mins. Boy I did it even though it was HARD as HELL. So, we were able to leave by like 11:45 and there was traffic so we didn't get there til 1:15pm. Then the festivities began. Even though we were late to the rehearsal B got filled in by all the guys and, he got his practice on. Then down to the beach bar we went. Had great food and attended a great rehearsal dinner. Went to bed at a decent time because the guys had to all be up at a decent hour to get suited and butted. B went off with the guys and got ready while I got ready in the room. He returned with this gift for being the Best Man. This is a great addition to our collection.

The wedding was a blast with an open bar all night. And, I got tearful again. The moment was so special and so memorable. I was able to have a great time and saw a lot of people I knew. Just like the girls the guys looked great too. Just not as good as us girls. What do you think? Who looked better?
All the girls :) did of course the guys were just in their suits.
Louisa and I
Then on Sunday we went to go have brunch. Then we were headed to a great baby shower.
It was great see to see everyone there. I am so excited and can't wait until the Peanut gets here.
The peanut was well spoiled. So now I'm home getting ready to see another great wedding and spoil my new sis because she is carrying a peanut too:). It's like my family is full of great events/news. I am so EXCITED.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I am so excited its crazy. But, so far I have only been getting good news which is crazy. So HAPPY. But my countdown and preparation for things has officially started. 3 weeks until I become an aunt to my best friends little peanut. But this Sunday is the baby shower and though it was hard shopping on a budget I still spoiled the little peanut. This Saturday is that great wedding in the OC. I'm nervous for B because he is the best man and has to give a speech. Should be a GREAT weekend. Filled with lots of fun with loved ones :). And, then next Friday my who family gets to take off to Texas. But, B has to stay behind to work and to take care of the house and dogs. My brother is getting married on a random date and day. But, it's all good because they have their reasons. It's official too. He is going to make me an aunt again too. And, his little peanut will get spoiled too. It's like a shopping addiction.. I love shopping and spoiling kids. So, if I think about how much I have spoiled my nieces. This little peanut will be spoiled too because it has me. A person that LOVES to shop.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Family Renion Update
We had a great weekend this past weekend. I am a Williams now and enjoyed it all SO much. Above is a picture of B with his cousin and Aunties. And every one looks WONDERFUL. I want to look so wonderful like his aunties when I get older. But, ultimately we had a GREAT time. So, I am glad that I convinced B to spend the money and too go. Only bad part was that American completly messed up our flight plan going and coming back. So I have been emailing them and complaining. So, we want to get something out of it. But, the family reunion was full of activities. Friday night started off with a meet and great. So, we can see and meet everyone who was apart of the event. Then, saturday followed up with a hawaiian BBQ at the park. Then, that evening was a movie night. Then, Sunday was a bankquet with a lot of wonderful announcements. With great people announcing great things too us. Then from the bankquet we had to catch our flight to come home. :S
Everything has been good since we have been home. But, today was hectic for me with all the packing I had to do. And, then to top it off I still need to loose a few pounds for a dress for my brothers wedding. And we also have another wedding on 8/3/13. So I had to pack all the crap I need for both events.

I <3 this picture so I had to post it. I love the wedding colors too :)

I <3 this one too. He is our hero so I guess we will share him with some great people.
So, we had a great beginning of the summer. We kicked it off Memorial Day weekend at the lack and I got a great tan. Then a few weeks to rest. Then ended the mobth of June in Las Vegasa at a GREAT bachlorette party. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas :). Then we had our annual block party for the fourth of July. Followed with a weekend by myself. So I did a little retail therapy and found dresses for the weddings at a GREAT price. Followed by our trip to ALABAMA. Only down fall to our trip to Alabama was not being able to see my uncle and cousins, that came in for a visit :(. Then, this weekend we were suppose to go camping because it is our neighbors birthday, but can't :(
We are still looking forward to some events though. the summer isnt over yet. B is Best Man at a Wedding on 8/3/13. So he needs to formulate his speech. I am so nervous for him because he HATES public speaking. And, then 8/13/13 is my brothers wedding in Texas. I only get to go to that. So, B has to stay back and watch over the houses and the dogs. Then we get to wrapt our summer at the lake again hopefully for Labor day Weekend in Laughlin again :).
Friday, July 5, 2013
Home Alone Weekend
Ok last weekend the girls had a GREAT time in Vegas.. So this weekend it is all about the guys. So, my husband was able to host a great bachelor party. I helped a little with the planning even though he was able to keep some things under rape. All I know is the guys are going to have a blast with all the breweries down In San Diego. So, I am home alone this weekend :(. I am just trying to figure out what I am going to do with all my time. A girl can only work out so much and clean so much too. So the plan is to keep it all like this CLEAN. But, this past week was great. Seeing my brother and meeting his new family was great. I swear we are the busiest people around. He has San Diego this weekend, next week we are visiting Alabama, 8/3 is the wedding, then maybe a baby shower 8/4, then my brothers wedding 8/13 and we are driving to Texas, so leaving 8/9 and be back 8/15. So I think that takes me back. We are the busiest people around. So thankfully after that I think we don't have anything til October. Time to Celebrate the Scorpios birthdays and then the holidays :S. Time is moving so fast I can't even believe that when I think of the longevity of things the holidays will be upon us again :(.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Vegas Baby
Home from the bachelorette weekend/party. And thankfully I had a GREAT weekend. I think it was my best Vegas experience to date. I just know that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. All I'm going to admit is that I let loose a little bet it, we got free things and I was a good girl because I know that the guys are going to let loose next weekend for sure :)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I know it's been awhile. But, I have actually been a little busy which is good. But, here is the latest. Yesterday, we celebrated our 2 year anniversary. It's still hard for me to believe its been 2 whole years. It's like time has just been slipping us by. So, he still needs to pick our wedding pictures out, cause I have. And, we have a couple of albums to get. It's just hard for him since he works 6 days a week :S.
But, so far I have been busy going to school 2x a week. And the program is a year long, so I get to go until next February. And, then at the end of this summer I will start volunteering at a friends business. Cause, believe it or not, I like to be a busy body and a girl can only clean so much.
But, we have a ton of stuff coming up. Which has been hard for me to do, since I have no mula :(. But, end of this month my brother comes home from the military, with his fiancé and her little girl. Yeah, I said it. His fiancé. He is going to tie the knot and I think I am still in shock. So, looking into travel arrangements to get my booty to Texas in August has been difficult but I refuse to believe it is impossible. And, then end of this month I have a bachelorette party in Vegas. And, then Brandon is making arrangements for the bachelor party.
So, this Summer is hectic. Bachelorette party this month and a doctors appointment. Block party for the 4 of July next month, followed up on my testing. I have to complete my 18 month test. Hard to believe I've been a part of the testing at Casa Colina for 18 months already. Time has been flying by. And, then 2 weddings in August and then my best friend is going to finally be a daddy too. So, much going on, but at least they are all good things. :S. So, as much as I can't do things because of money. I just keep telling myself, there is nothing to it but to do it. And, I figure some how some way things will fall into place for me. At least I hope so. But, I think that's every thing. So, there might be a lot of pictures on my Facebook coming up in the next couple of months. Since, we have so much coming up. So, look out for them. And, every one take care :)
But, so far I have been busy going to school 2x a week. And the program is a year long, so I get to go until next February. And, then at the end of this summer I will start volunteering at a friends business. Cause, believe it or not, I like to be a busy body and a girl can only clean so much.
But, we have a ton of stuff coming up. Which has been hard for me to do, since I have no mula :(. But, end of this month my brother comes home from the military, with his fiancé and her little girl. Yeah, I said it. His fiancé. He is going to tie the knot and I think I am still in shock. So, looking into travel arrangements to get my booty to Texas in August has been difficult but I refuse to believe it is impossible. And, then end of this month I have a bachelorette party in Vegas. And, then Brandon is making arrangements for the bachelor party.
So, this Summer is hectic. Bachelorette party this month and a doctors appointment. Block party for the 4 of July next month, followed up on my testing. I have to complete my 18 month test. Hard to believe I've been a part of the testing at Casa Colina for 18 months already. Time has been flying by. And, then 2 weddings in August and then my best friend is going to finally be a daddy too. So, much going on, but at least they are all good things. :S. So, as much as I can't do things because of money. I just keep telling myself, there is nothing to it but to do it. And, I figure some how some way things will fall into place for me. At least I hope so. But, I think that's every thing. So, there might be a lot of pictures on my Facebook coming up in the next couple of months. Since, we have so much coming up. So, look out for them. And, every one take care :)
Monday, April 8, 2013
GREAT year so far...
It has been a Great year so far. And, the weekend was GREAT too.
This weekend was great because we had a lot going on. I got to spend time with my family and my husband got some guy time in too.
My weekend started on Thursday. I went to Mt. Sac to sign up to be apart of their brain injury program. You would think since I was able to obtain my master degree I would not have to go back to school. But, I signed up to go back to school and start this Thursday. I signed up because I am determined to not let my injury get in the way of me achieving my goals. And, I want to enter the work force some day again. I am so nervous to be attending school again. I don't know what to expect. I just know that it is a program and not a class.
Then, Friday I spent the night with my parents, because my husband had a bachelor party to attend. So, given that I am not able to stay by myself over night. I stayed over there. And, my parents took me out to dinner. And, we went to the mall to walk around, while we waited.
Then on Saturday we chilled all day. And, then on SUNDAY we attended a GREAT wedding. My best friend went ahead and tied the note. And, it was a GREAT wedding, and I got emotional. I think I got emotional because it took me back. I remember my wedding like it was yesterday. So, I was so happy to witness them exchanging vows. And, in a couple of months I will get emotional again when their baby arrives. That is because babies are so precious. They will become great parents. :)
Yesterday, was GREAT. It was so good to hear how I have impacted so many people. I had a lot of random people approach me and, let me know how great I look and how I have touched their lives. So, yesterday was GREAT. Only thing is that it left me with a huge question. I found myself wondering why random people approached me. It was like how did they know I was in an accident? Like do I look that disabled or something?
And, I try not to be so stressed out or think about next month. But, it is to hard not too. It is always on my mind. I just know that god has blessed us and will continue to bless us.
So, thanks everyone for the great words and prayer.
Love, Brandon and Angela
This weekend was great because we had a lot going on. I got to spend time with my family and my husband got some guy time in too.
My weekend started on Thursday. I went to Mt. Sac to sign up to be apart of their brain injury program. You would think since I was able to obtain my master degree I would not have to go back to school. But, I signed up to go back to school and start this Thursday. I signed up because I am determined to not let my injury get in the way of me achieving my goals. And, I want to enter the work force some day again. I am so nervous to be attending school again. I don't know what to expect. I just know that it is a program and not a class.
Then, Friday I spent the night with my parents, because my husband had a bachelor party to attend. So, given that I am not able to stay by myself over night. I stayed over there. And, my parents took me out to dinner. And, we went to the mall to walk around, while we waited.
Then on Saturday we chilled all day. And, then on SUNDAY we attended a GREAT wedding. My best friend went ahead and tied the note. And, it was a GREAT wedding, and I got emotional. I think I got emotional because it took me back. I remember my wedding like it was yesterday. So, I was so happy to witness them exchanging vows. And, in a couple of months I will get emotional again when their baby arrives. That is because babies are so precious. They will become great parents. :)
Yesterday, was GREAT. It was so good to hear how I have impacted so many people. I had a lot of random people approach me and, let me know how great I look and how I have touched their lives. So, yesterday was GREAT. Only thing is that it left me with a huge question. I found myself wondering why random people approached me. It was like how did they know I was in an accident? Like do I look that disabled or something?
And, I try not to be so stressed out or think about next month. But, it is to hard not too. It is always on my mind. I just know that god has blessed us and will continue to bless us.
So, thanks everyone for the great words and prayer.
Love, Brandon and Angela
Monday, March 18, 2013
It is great that 13 is my lucky number, because 2013 has been a great year so far. I know I was stressed and depressed at the beginning of this month, but that stress and depression won't hit me again until May.
But thankfully I have a lot of things to look forward too. A girls night out this Friday then a wedding next month. And then in June/July have another bachelorette party in Vegas. Then in August my husbands best friend is getting married and then my best guy friends baby is due.
So, I get to spoil another kid. But right now I'm focused on spoiling my nieces and making their Easter baskets.
And, then I am also doing great in the study I am in. My social worker came buy last week and showed me all the progress I have made. So, we will see what progress I show in August when I Re-test. And, then this Saturday I have to be apart of a sleep study, because my doctor referred me too one.
So, so far I have been active and able to meet my goals so I set new goals for myself because river/lake season is coming.
But thankfully I have a lot of things to look forward too. A girls night out this Friday then a wedding next month. And then in June/July have another bachelorette party in Vegas. Then in August my husbands best friend is getting married and then my best guy friends baby is due.
So, I get to spoil another kid. But right now I'm focused on spoiling my nieces and making their Easter baskets.
And, then I am also doing great in the study I am in. My social worker came buy last week and showed me all the progress I have made. So, we will see what progress I show in August when I Re-test. And, then this Saturday I have to be apart of a sleep study, because my doctor referred me too one.
So, so far I have been active and able to meet my goals so I set new goals for myself because river/lake season is coming.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I have been so depressed lately, things are getting to me and I'm starting to get bored because being at home all day by myself is getting to me. One can only clean so much. So, I hate not having a job, no money coming in, so I have to budget and say no to all the fun stuff. Because I may be disabled and not be able to do things like I use to but it doesn't mean I don't want to get out there and get my party on. So like always keep us in your prayers. This will mark a week until our lives will change forever depending on what happens next week. Those of you close to us know what I am talking about. But things have been A ok, so far so I shouldn't be so stressed and depressed. My husband is home for good now, he has a great job only 30 minuets from home that will at least take him through the year. That's why I am home all day by myself. So once those checks start coming in we will be A ok. Because we can live off of his income. And, I am so glad I have insurance now and being treated for headaches. They were so bad that they were killing me. And, I have to get my Easter shopping done on my budget. We have some things to look forward too. My guy best friend is suppose to have a get together this weekend to celebrate his engagement. And then, Easter at the end of this month. And then I think a wedding next month. And my dads birthday. And then we are looking at May, which will be my moms bday and Mother's Day, and another friends bday. And, then we have the summer. So we get to take our water toys out and I get to get my tan on. Then also in June is our other friends bday and then the 4th of July, which my block always does a get together. Then we are already looking at August and another wedding to go too. Which will be lots of fun. And then we will be into the fall with all the birthdays again. Man so many things to look forward too, who knows why I am down in the dumps.
Friday, February 22, 2013
It has only been 2 months this year but I think it still has been a great year. A lot of great things too look forward too. Just in case most of you don't know 13 is my lucky number. So, it makes sense to me that 2013 is an incredible year. I am still healing incredibly, my best friend just got engaged, and is going to be a great dad too this year. And then Brandon's best friend is getting married too. And, then my niece will be 5. And one year of school for my other niece and one year away in the army for my brother. So, a lot to look forward too, because a lot of great things are up ahead. I am so excited.:)
Friday, February 8, 2013
6 months...
This is the worst week of my life...the feelings I have these days are so bad :( I don't know what's worse the accident I was in 18 months ago or this. I think this is cause at least I am recovering really well and have great people in my corner which is making me look at things positively. And, in the next 6 months we have great things happening. We have a wedding to attend and my best friend is expecting his first child. He is going to make a great dad :). So, in the next 6 months we have a lot of parties to attend since weddings always have a lot of parties like the bachelorette party and wedding shower. And, then I hopefully will have a baby shower to attend. And, it will be so hard to shop for the baby since my friend is going to leave the sex to be a surprise. So even things haven't been going well for us we are excited about our future. So, I have mixed emotions about everything. I have just been sitting back, praying and believing a whole lot.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
I can't wait for this weekend. We have so many great plans. For one we are going to Big Bear again. And, I will get some great cousin time in. That is because I invited my cousin to go with us because I need someone to hang out with me since I really can't snowboard any more. And, it is so cold up there. And, then on Sunday is the Super Bowl and it will be a great game ;). And, we had a lot of choices on where to go but we decided to go to Orange County to a great Super Bowl party.
So like I said a lot of plans but they are all great. And, this week we plan on working on our yard if we ever get our grass machine back. We bought fertilizer and everything. So, so far things have been great and medically the doctors last week said I am doing well. So, prayers do work so keep those prayers coming cause we need them still.
And, I need to figure out if I want to do this mud run or not. I am thinking NOT cause I'm still not that coordinated, but I can be a big cheer leader for those of you that want to participate in it. And, I have been getting my work out on everyday. We walk 3 miles everyday and I hope on my ellipitical machine everyday. 5 lbs until I hit my goal wait. Which seems like not that bad, but it has been so hard so far.
So like I said a lot of plans but they are all great. And, this week we plan on working on our yard if we ever get our grass machine back. We bought fertilizer and everything. So, so far things have been great and medically the doctors last week said I am doing well. So, prayers do work so keep those prayers coming cause we need them still.
And, I need to figure out if I want to do this mud run or not. I am thinking NOT cause I'm still not that coordinated, but I can be a big cheer leader for those of you that want to participate in it. And, I have been getting my work out on everyday. We walk 3 miles everyday and I hope on my ellipitical machine everyday. 5 lbs until I hit my goal wait. Which seems like not that bad, but it has been so hard so far.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Meal Planning...update
I know we just got back from Big Bear last week, so it has been awhile since I have been on her. But like I said before I won't write anything unless I have to so, I've had nothing to write about. And so, far there hasn't been much but trying to figure out what to do for the Super Bowl next weekend. And I don't know who to go for. But these are my top 3 picks...the Ravens so Ray Lewis can win something before he retires, the Falcons because they have never won before, and then the 49 ers cause they represent the Bay Area. Cause us Raiders didn't even made the playoffs cause we are in the process of rebuilding :). So sometime in the future we will be a force to recognize.
So, my time lately has been just consumed with cleaning up around the house. And, I love my new duty as a house wife. I love this blog I have been following for my meal planning cause my husband loves the meals I have been cooking. And, I don't care what everyone else thinks cause I believe I am more then ready for some kids. So, we have been getting our practice on. But, we have a busy week ahead of us because now that I have insurance because of my husband I have been making all kinds of appointments. Like this week on Tuesday I will go see my OBGYN, and then Thursday we have an appointment with a new neurologist and then on the 1st we have my one year exam for the study. And for that one I need to figure out what the quality of life exam test. So all you mental health professionals out there figure it out and let me know cause I disbertly would like to know.
Meal Planning
Sunday: Fiesta Ravioli
Monday: Crock Pot Salsa chicken
Tuesday: Cream Cheese Enchiladas
Wednesday: leftovers ( since I only cook for 2 we have tons of leftovers)
Thursday: chicken enchilada quesadilla
Friday: Chicken and Rice
Saturday: Fiesta Chicken
So, my time lately has been just consumed with cleaning up around the house. And, I love my new duty as a house wife. I love this blog I have been following for my meal planning cause my husband loves the meals I have been cooking. And, I don't care what everyone else thinks cause I believe I am more then ready for some kids. So, we have been getting our practice on. But, we have a busy week ahead of us because now that I have insurance because of my husband I have been making all kinds of appointments. Like this week on Tuesday I will go see my OBGYN, and then Thursday we have an appointment with a new neurologist and then on the 1st we have my one year exam for the study. And for that one I need to figure out what the quality of life exam test. So all you mental health professionals out there figure it out and let me know cause I disbertly would like to know.
Meal Planning
Sunday: Fiesta Ravioli
Monday: Crock Pot Salsa chicken
Tuesday: Cream Cheese Enchiladas
Wednesday: leftovers ( since I only cook for 2 we have tons of leftovers)
Thursday: chicken enchilada quesadilla
Friday: Chicken and Rice
Saturday: Fiesta Chicken
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Big Bear Trip.
We/I am so excited and surprised by a lot of things this week. Starting off with our trip to big bear this weekend. I won't be snow boarding because of my injury but my husband will. So I guess I will be making snow angels instead. But I love living here because we can play in the snow and then have fun at the beach. And it has been great being home. I have been following this blog and making dinner every night. So my goal of being a good house wife is coming true all I have to get under control is the cleaning part. That is because I hate cleaning. But, we still have lots of planning to do, and still plan for my sisters birthday next week. But after next week it looks like all the birthdays is going down hill so I get to save a little again for the end of the year. I can wait a few months before all the birthdays and celebrating hits me again. But this is my year. Thankfully, I have remained active and lost some weight so I am only 5 lbs til I meet my goal.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The first day of the New Year has been great. We did a lot of celebrating yesterday and stayed up until 5:00am. So today has been a really lazy day. And amongst everything we were able to continue to go back to tradition. We started off the New Year with great people. But, we started off the weekend by going to one of the greatest games of the year in San Diego. And, it looks like New York and Dallas may be in our future this year. So many new experiences are so great and many more on the way. And we were so surprised yesterday, but also so excited to find out that soon we will be a aunt and uncle again in a couple of months.
And, everything was great yesterday celebrating with great friends and great neighbors only thing missing was family. But thank god my brother stopped by before he left to Texas today. Only thing that has me down is not being around family and my niece not being around. I have mixed emotions about all that. So, I am just trying to deal with it all best I know how.
And, everything was great yesterday celebrating with great friends and great neighbors only thing missing was family. But thank god my brother stopped by before he left to Texas today. Only thing that has me down is not being around family and my niece not being around. I have mixed emotions about all that. So, I am just trying to deal with it all best I know how.
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