Friday, January 17, 2020


So it is a new year.  Last year was a blessing with the arrival of our 2nd princess.  The last 6 months for this mama has been a HUGE blur.  Leila is 6 months today.  Now I know what everyone was talking about.  Having 2 kids 2 years apart is A LOT of work.  It totally is & my hands are full ALL the time.  To even think I thought twins would be doable.  That was totally my mindset before Yesenyahs birth.  These days I find  myself thanking God that WE made it through another day.  

We are totally active & doing all sorts of things.  We usually do our grocery outings on Mondays to get ready for the week.  Then Tuesday is the library for Spanish story tine Wednesday is usually a play date or an outing of some sort.  Thursday Yesenyah goes to preschool.  She started preschool last November and has been doing GREAT.  She will move up and attend the preschool longer as she ages.   For, right now she attends 1 hour 1 day a week which isn't much but ill take it.  It is a program run by the city & even though we only go for 1 hour 1 day a week it is still A LOT of work.  I find myself prepping for our day at school all week.  It isn't easy at all with 2 rug rats to get ready for the outing & myself.

My hands feel extremely full most days because Brandon is working SO far from home (2+ hours).  He is gone in the morning before the girls are up for the day and returns to have a little fun and dinner with us.  It SUCKS :S we need to WIN the lotto.  I am truly blessed to have him in our lives.  He wakes up super early to go to a job that he HATES grinds it out & returns to us at home.  I have TRIED to be more calm and understanding even on my tough days.  Which I definitely have and thankfully am able to pull myself together (for the most part). Good thing is he goes on occasional daddy & daughter dates with Yesenyah.  Which is totally appreciated.  It feels good to only have to really worry about 1 child.  Even though I find myself wondering how they are doing.  (alwaysonmymind).

  Thankfully I haven't needed to much help and the girls have't made it too difficult.  Leila is more active & receptive to others now.  She has warmed up to her dad and is slowly warming up to others.  She is a character but we LOVE her to pieces.  As Leila becomes more active & engaging I will need more help.   It is amazing seeing the girls interact with one another.  When I see it, it reminds me of why we had 2 kids close in age.  It may be a lot of work now but it will pay off in the end,  We are hoping they will be the best of friends.  

Like, I said Leila is slowly warming up to others & has meet plenty of people & has gone on plenty of outings.  She still has to meet a ton of more people.  We do things with her that we wouldn't have dared done with Yesenyah.  I guess this is why the say your 2nd kid grows up faster.  They are kind of forced too & want to keep up with their sibling.  Leila is definitely meeting her milestones more quickly.  She has been rolling for the last 2 months.  Now rolls both ways with ease for the last month.  Is working on her ab muscles & will be sitting on her own soon.  Already trying to move around watching her sister.  She is most likely going to be crawling soon as well.

Overall it was one HECK of a year.  I am excited to see what the future holds for my family.  Here is abundance of pictures that we took throughout the year.  Enjoy!!! We hope all of our family & friends had a GREAT year.  Bring it 2020 I am anxious to see what awaits us this year.

  I cought her in a moment
 Halloween 2019
1sr Home Depot Workshop
 Family outing to the Pumpkin Patch
loook at her snoozing

 Play dates with Isaiah
 1st family outing

Adrians 1st birthday party where all the girls got to meet Leila #MariaAguirre

 Rauls Wedding 10/19/2019
 We clean up nice...the hubby cleaned up extra nice
Leila was such a good baby on the drive out to Arizona & at the wedding
fall fittings
Random store outing that we started at about 6 weeks old with the encouragement of my friend Vanessa.  Nothing to it but to do it #ALOTofprepartation
Once 1 got out I kept on getting out #CHEESE
1st family hike #LaSierraLoop
Another local store outing
I got her again
Random daddy daughter shot
1 month pic...August 2019
Yesenyah LOVES her sister
Relaxing in Laughlin before I poped
Pregnancy shot roughly 36 weeks
Yesenyah got her toddler bed ounce she turned 2
Family baby shower
Church baby shower

Pregnancy photo shot

Santa Monica Pier
Yesenyah LOVED the water
 Random pregnancy craving #DrPepper
Just me ready to pop
She is adorable #churchfittings
Santa Ana Zoo
Another church outfit
She is totally a daddies girl
 Amys Farm outing
This is how we announced the pregnancy
they are KNOCKED she no longer naps for me but she will for her dad.
1st hospital picture
Leila has arrived 7/17/2019 8lbs and 21 inches
day before I popped
Family pool day

These pictures are in no particular order & looking at them all gets me SO emotional.  It is still beyond me how blessed we are.  We have come along way.  My girls are SO adorable & such a blessing.  I have my days but overall I LOVE being a mommy & LOVE the person who has chosen to make me the mommy to his angels.  I LOVE the life I live now and the person I share my life with.  I don't tell him enough but thank you Brandon LaRon Williams for doing all that you do in order to provide us a good life.  THANK YOU #wouldn'thaveitanyotherway