My time has been consumed by the angel which I totally enjoy, no big deal. So this is late but not forgtten. This month we didn't do much. Yesenyah had a couple of outings cause her mom is growing a little less anxious about taking her out. She has done an awesome job on all of our outings. It's all about the timing.
She had her 1st outing to a friends house. It was Eds birthday & he was having a BBQ so we went over to celebrate without a problem. We always said having a baby wouldn't impair our life just change it a little.
She so had a lot of visitors again this month. Thanks everyone for visiting. This month we even went out without her dad. I was a nervous wreck but we both did SO well. We are SO blessed.
Our God sons birthday was this month & she enjoyed herself there as well. It was her 1st kids birthday party.
I got on my workout grind again this month but then at the end of the month we got hit with that heat wave. No fun. One of the drawbacks of having a home gym is the heat & cold. I gotta figure something out. She has been an angel hanging out while I was working out. In the beginning of the month we even enjoyed walks but the weather put an end to that really quick.
So we have had a non eventful month but totally enjoyed it. We LOVE being parents. It's awesome
Stay blessed people. We do and go to church every Sunday to praise him.
I still haven't figured out why I can't post pictures on here so please forgive all the post