its been one heck of a year and the last 3 months have been SO enjoyable. Ive taken forever to create a post :S I had every intention too but then got busy with other things & kept telling myself next month :S so I finally decided enough is enough and since the baby be having me up at weird hours I decided to sit in front of the computer and type my away.
I SO have to work on my memory on this one to re-cap the last 3 months. Thankfully I write everything down and have a ton pictures :)
The month of February, Was CRAZY :S at the end of the month we traveled to Mobile Alabama for Mardi gras. it was SO a last minute trip. I think we bought our tickets like 2 weeks before flying out :S thankfully it wasn't to expensive. This is a new tradition we have been fortunate enough to hit up Mardi Gras the last 3 years & would like to keep the tradition going. Mardi Gras is SO huge in Mobile. Its like christmas :)
This year was Brandon's first year to ride a float. I opted not to ride the float because of my pregnancy problems of having too pee all the time :S IT was still good to be out there in the atmosphere of the Mardi Gras parades.
Family picture
The Mardi Gras float Brandon was on :)
Brandon & his cousin Val
Brandon got be a huge goof ball with his cousins :)
Cousin time
Random photo opt
Thats when the belly really started to poke out :)
We spent 10 days out here & almost missed our flight use it was a
red eye flight which totally threw us off :S
We Made it though thankfully :)
When we got back home it was the beginning of March. We didn't do much in March. We got a fabulous 3D/4D ultrasound done :) Baby Williams is such a character which was evident in her ultrasound:)
She was grinding * hiding her face then showing us & stuff like that. She was such a character :)
I also got some family time in cause it was this guys birthday. I felt really CUTE and full on pregnant at this point :) for the longest I just felt super bloated and fat. Its amazing that a belly truly forms.
Thankfully my pregnancy hasn't been and at all. Not like how I though it was going to be thankfully. No morning sickness in the beginning. I just have had for like the last 5 weeks very occasional muscle craps & occasional morning sickness & sleep discomfort besides having to go pee like every 2 hours. Which my doctor informed me is normal. Truly not bad at all :)
Still amazed at my pregnancy....#prayerworks
I attended a family baby shower in Arizona. So I did the drive with my cousin & BFF. I thought i would do really bad on the drive since i have to pee all the time but I didn't do bad at all thankfully :) I have a cousin the is due 8 day after me :) Glad we went to the baby shower & saw the family. #cosuins
We had been actively planning my baby shower for about 6 weeks. There is a lot of planing. Thankfully everyone kicked in & did a wonderful job.
My church threw me a baby shower on 4/22/2017m thaT I played no role in & it turned out beautiful. I have been So blessed since i joined this church last year :) They have gone above & beyond for me & have done SO much and donated SO much to me. I am truly blessed :)
Church baby shower
Then my family hosted a baby shower the following weekend :) on 4/29/2017. & like I said the planning had been going on for about 6 weeks & everyone played a critical role in its success. I wasn't stressed at all in it all just glad its over :) Now going through and trying to organize all the gifts is another story. It is SUCH a process. We are SO blessed & she is SO loved :)
These are all the pictures from the family baby shower :) we had a GREAT time & a GREAT turn out SO blessed :)