Tuesday, February 7, 2017

New Year :) Better late then never #pregnancyproblems:S

We brought in the New Year at the Schumann residence.  It was fun and eventful :) We played pictionary, girls vs. boys and of course the boys cheated LOL 

OMG OMG OMG  Im excited about this year SO many things to look forward to, especially the birth of our little blessing.  Im scared to death of labor and delivery But I am coming to terms with it and figure its in gods hands. He has blessed us so we will continue to be blessed and I will have a smooth delivery.  Im leaving it I'm his hands :) #butwithoutfaithHebrews11:6

 This is me at 20 weeks.  People think I'm small but I beg to differ LOL...
thankfully no maternity clothes yet.  Still in my size 4 jeans with a belly band :)
 we went in for our 20 week ultrasound when i was about 21 weeks.
Here is our princess yawnig :)
Side few of the bundle of joy.

We got invited to Round 1 bowling alley to celebrate this big kids birthday.  Hard to believe he is 17 already.  I went to go and spend some time with the family.  I didn't bowl because of the obvious pregnancy.

I went out to lunch with a long time friend this month :) I love that when I see her it reminds me that some friendships haven't changed :) as a result of life and the accident I have noticed a whole lot of changes in my relationships with others.  It's sad but ok life happens.  #healthylunch

Though i'm preggers I'm still on that workout grind when I have the energy.  So, depending on the weather and my energy level I walk about 3x a week.  Not much but I figure something is better the nothing :) I also do squats and this arm workout every time I walk.  So again I don't do a whole lot but I figure something is better then nothing.
I got to spend some time with this little guy.  He is such a character.   The fact that I'm a Great Aunt still amazes me all the time.  He is such a good little boy, and such a character.  #CyrusHazzouk
Ive still been experimenting with my cooking :) this chicken meal but not great :S I try to make healthy choices these days.
Being pregnant and knowing that a whole lot of expenses are soon to arrive it was hard for me to buy what I needed.  SO, the hubby went ahead and bought it for me with no problem it seems.  My sleep was getting highly unconfortable and this body pillow has been a life saver.  I can't even believe I didn't even know about this pillow before hand.  Pregnant or not it is a penny well spent.  Best investment thus far in this pregnancy.  Thankfully the pregnancy has not been that bad at all except for the disturbance in sleep into order to urinate and having a lot of hiccups :S Other then that the pregnancy has been so pleasant.  At times its hard to believe we are going to be SO blessed.  I told myself don't let this pregnancy get in the way of you living your life so maybe thats why I was out until 4am for Sean's birthday.  But, the next day trust I felt it and thought how in the heck did I do this when I was younger LOL
Photo booth shot
baby daddy #RashadJones
Gaby, Mom & I
a family shot :) my parents with her parents and the soon to be parents :)
A whole lot of baby shower shots :) Yes my best friend Jamila is pregggers too.  Its amazing.  I'm glad I'm not going through this on my own.  I currently know several people that are expecting.  like a neighbor, Jamila, Tiffany Rubio just to name a few...

Its been a eventful month and I don't see it slowing down.  We shall see what February brings :) I hope everyone else had an eventful month as well.

Stay blessed people :) I am SO proud of myself I haven't missed a Sunday in church yet :) I enjoy going to church and praising him for all that he has done :) I thank him everyday :)  #PraiseGod:)