This month has been a lot of fun :) I started off this month with these terrible headaches because I had an EEG exam done last month that came back all good. Thank the lord :) Then we enjoyed the fight of the century at friends house :) We so LOVE hanging out with our friends :) Thanks for the invite Andrew and Michelle :) We SO love having like minded friends :) There are SO many mixed emotions when it comes to the fight :S I thought it was alright :S
Then we attended a brew festival at the pomona fairplex and used uber for the first time :) It was defintielty an experience using uber but it was well worth it :) We had a great time and ran into a friend :) It was a great day and experience :)
Then we had cinco de Mayo :S and everywhere was CROWDED #NOFUN :S But, we still tried to go out :S and then the next day I still wanted Mexican food :S I was craving some :S So, I made a yummy dish :S I made my bean dip that has become famous and some chicken enchiladas :) The food was SO easy and yummy :) This girl was a happy lady :) I LOVE the all recipes app that I have now :) Thanks Monica :) Cooking is my new favorite thing to do :)
It was my mom's birthday and mothers day as well this month and I got to spend time with the family. My brother is out in the great state of Texas with his family and wrote a REALLY nice post on my moms timeline for her birthday :) The post had me in tears :S
I had a surprise date night this month as well :) I LOVE when I get spoiled :)
Then it was memorial day weekend and the hubby had a 3 day weekend :) So we enjoyed ourselves by going camping with friends :) I LOVE having new experiences with the hubby :) We opted to do this trip with friends cause we don't like to do the lake in May its to cold for me :) :S We are looking forward to going this summer though :) We SO lucked out with the weather :) It was perfect :) Camping was SUCH an adventure :) We got to go fishing, hiking and exploring :)Best thing about the whole experience was the company we had :) We also learned a few things, that way when we do our next trip :) Worst part about this trip was sleeping on the ground :S I SO need an air mattress for the next car camping trip #yosemite:) Dehydrated food wasn't that bad at all :) I went into it with no expectations. So I think that was good :) So overall I don't love camping but it is SO doable :) and I enjoyed myself :)
This has been an INSANE month :S I have stayed on my workout grind in preparation for the summer. I have ben able to hit my goal this month :) SO I am SO proud of myself because I have been working out hard :S #NOFUN So, now Im hoping to keep the weight where it is. In the process if I lose a few more pounds then that is awesome :) My new goal is to maintain and ton up all over :) To make me even more fabulous :)
The garden is also doing VERY well :) I replanted the tomato trees and they are producing and the hubby is loving it :) The grape tree is doing AWESOME as well. This winter I thought it died because it was all brown and nothing of it was really left :S But, now its all green and producing a whole lot of grapes. The birds netting that we put on them is helping :) So, we have a whole lot out there :) I also planted a new cucumber plant to and I'm, starting to see flowers already. So, we have a whole lot out there. Collards which I cook all the time :) Bell peppers which is growing but not producing yet :S JalapeƱos that are SO hot :S I don't enjoy them but the hubby loves his shark bites :) Cucumbers, grapes, papaya, cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes, strawberries, and green onions :) It is incredible how much the garden produces and how therapeutic it is. I recently got this awesome idea from my friend Monica. She sent me a link that said to be creative and paint rocks to make labels for the garden. So I need to get crafty with it and make them :) The idea is AWESOME :) Thanks Monica :)
Towards the end of the month we had awhole lot going on. A baby shower and 2 graduation parities :) The baby shower was a GREAT BBQ :) I love hanging out with old friends :) I was able to attend the Baby Shower and 1 to of the 2 graduation parties because 1 had a last minute change in locations which through a monkey wrench in my plans :) Still very proud though :) Even though I was not able to attend the graduation or the party :( #tomuchgoingon:S
We are officially in summer :) So, we ended the month on a good note :) We went hiking with our friends :) it was SUCH an adventure :) The whole way up I was bitching as well as the whole way down :) It took us all day to do this hike :) But, the view was spectacular :) and overall I'm glad I did it :) Thanks to the hubby that dealt with my bitching slow ass the whole day :S our friends dealt with me too :) They have this CRAZY idea of doing all 6 peaks in :) With is a GREAT goal and I was all down for it until now :S I accomplished 2 out of the 6 peaks so far :S and thought I could do all 6 but NO :S The pain was SO massive and this technically disabled girl with a jacked up equilibrium can't hang anymore :S I tried though :S I probably will still hike but won't try to do the 6 peaks :S Im ok with 2/6 peaks #payingthepricenow:S
These are my 4th of July decorations :S and, I am over here beyond proud of my brother :S Hopefully, him and his family get to come this summer :S #praying#Ineedtoseethekids.
Fight of the century :) #selfie
I LOVE cooking :)
On Tap Brew Festival
Dare Night :) Johnny Carino's :) Great Italian Restaurant :)
Group shot
Campground Campfire :) We had some yummy smoress :)
Lake Isabella #Hikingview
Audrey baby shower :) #GREATOLDFRIENDS
Hiking Adventures
Cucamonga peak :)
12 miles round trip :S
4th of July decorations :)
So, that is our month :) it was a fun filled adventurous month :) I hope everyone else had a good month too :) Stay blessed people :)