we had a VERY happy Summer :). I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer as much as we have been enjoying ours :) To bad its over :S
Thsee months Iike all the other months has been GREAT :) it has been adventurous as all the other months have been :)
I am SO spoiled by my lovely husband and its GREAT :). I actually have been enjoying the new me :) it's growing on me ;) many of you ask, would you like to go back to work and there is a small part of me that thinks yeah, but then there is a HUGE part of me that thinks, why? We are OK :) I don't have to work anymore :) we can get by :) #THANKFULLY:) #BeyondBlessed:)
We started off this month by going on another fabulous date night :) I LOVE getting spoiled :). I get a multiple of these fabulous date nighst a month :) Then that weekend we spent the 4th of July at the Burrell house and had a GREAT time :). Then we spent the evening watching the fireworks at our house with the dogs :) they were SO scared :S poor dogs :S
Then the following weekend we were supposed to go to Lauhlin again :S but didn't :S We aren't getting it in for July:S but are SO looking forward to our next river trip #excited #Parker2015 Instead we stayed home and got busy :S We got a lot done :) I SO love working in my garden :) I had to do A LOT out there to clean it up ;S We took down our grape tree because it was getting HUGE and creating to much shade for everything else and was creating an ant problem for the garden :S I hope we find a new way to plant grapes though :S We also took down our broccoli tree :S the tree was giving us Broccoli but it was odd :S it wasn't like complete florets :S So I am hoping when I do replant it we get some broccoli florets :S The tomato trees are still doing GREAT ) it gives us so many tomatoes :) The hubby has been in HEAVEN with the tomatoes :) he loves them for lunch :) I also followed my friend Monica's idea and made some lovely labels :) I was very creative with the garden labels :) I LOVE it :) making the labels had my creative juices flowing :) I like do it yourself projects :) #wonderwhatsnext:)
As far as social media goes :S I use to be an addict :S I used Facebook and Instagram for everything :S not SO much anymore :) I check my Facebook like once a week and don't post much, just like everyone elses post :) I check my Instagram account less often :) I use snapchat A LOT :) I usually post my workouts on there now, to keep track :) Im still on my workout grind :) I was able to hit my goal in July :) so just still living the active lifestyle :) I workout all the time and switch it up once a month :) I steadily stay active and still trying to ton up all over and if I drop a few more GREAT :). We will see how it goest the rest of the year. You have seen me on Facebook a little more in August because the hubby has this insane work schedule and I post whatever is on my mind :S #CRAZY
I joined a new workout group and I started the CIZE videos in August :) it is a GREAT workout/dance video :) I will be shaking my tail feather which will hopefully be to my benefit. The CIZE workouts so far have been A LOT of fun :) The great part about them is not feeling like I am working out :) I'm glad I included it in my workout routine now :) I still do a whole lot of working out :) and, thankfully meet my goal before and after my vacation :) we were able to go to Alabama again, then we went on another vacation to Parker with all the family :) and it was GREAT :) we had a BLAST and I took on a few more pounds :) I kept lying to myself and telling myself it was water weight :) yeah right :) but thankfully we got back and I got back to it and was ables to hit my goal in 2 days :) which I am extremely happy about :) but, I am still working on that ultimate goal. Only 5 more pounds to go to hit that goal. In the process of trying to hit that goal I hope I ton up all over :)

CIZE :) Shaun T is about to be my new best friend :) its amazing doing these dance moves you don't feel like you are working out :) just getting your grove on :)
This month we also got to see our little love :) our god son :) He is our first mutual god son and I love it :). He is SO adorabable. At the end of August it was his 2nd birthday :) So we got to go to that :) We had too, especially because we missed his 1st birthday :S I had to miss the princess Ellie's birthday :S there birthday parties were on the same day :S for the future I gotta figure out what I'm going to do :S can't be 2 places at one time :S even though I really wanted too :) then we also had to miss the Jersey party :S to much going on :S
Happy 7th Birthday Princess :) XOXO
Happy 2nd birthday Isaiah :) I love the Jersey t-shirts :) they has jersey t-shirts on that said Davis and a number 2 :) it was a great idea for a sports themed birthday party :)
At the tail end July we got to go see family in Alabama :) it was GREAT seeing family :) 2x in 6 months :) #BEYONDBLESSED:). Then we went on vacation and had to turn around and get ready for another vacation :) back to back weekends :) we usually don't like to do back to back weekends but this time we had too for several reasons :S The main reason is that my brother was in town with his family so we had to get a river trip in :) I feel SO blessed :) We were able to go all out and rent a house on the river :) Moovalya keys :) and it was SO affordable :) I think we will be doing this from now on maybe we will try to do the bungalows next time :) I think we are beyond the trailer scene. First family river trip :) next year hopefully we have a family and then a friends trip :) Thanks Michelle for the app :) #homeaway:) We have always dreamed of this, but then to actually be doing it is GREAT #BLESSED:)We are making new traditions :)
Date nitght :) at his favorite steak house :) Black Angus

Garden Labels :)

Another date night :) I love getting spoiled :) Great Italian Restaurant :) #JohnnyCarinos
We paid the extra dollar to leave out of Ontario but ended up having to leave a day late out of LAX :S we had SO many problems trying to go on vacation :S SO I complained my ass off and got properly compensated :) We got back from our trip with only 4 hours of sleep because we partied that night in New Orleans :) We were supposed to fly into new orleans but because of our delays weren't able to :S So, we only got to experience it at the end :) Then we got home and I had to get all dolled up :) We experienced our first country concert :) #DARIUSRUCKER Who would have known it was a GREAT experience :) even with the heck up in the beginning :S no worries we got to experience the concert and were properly compensated for the heck up :)# Freeconcert:)ThanksMichelle:)
Cousins :)
Cousin Time :) Had a FABULOUS TIME :)
Harrahs New Orleans :) Great food and a great environment :) We need to get this in with family and friends too :) #nexttimne #GREATplace #hadaball:)
We got familiar with the bars in Parker and had SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS :) The dirty girl scott, vegas bomb. to name a few :) they were all GREAT :)
Cousin Shot :) B let loose :)
Deacon James and Dr. V left a momentum at the bar :)
We had to pay the roadrunner a visit and get us a road rapper :) We also found out about this new drink at the casino called the river rapper :) it was good too :)
We had such a good time :) hopefully we get to do this every year now :) Im a little bummed :) I have all these bar shoots and none of the kids or my parents :S They were busy having a blast by the water :S #nexttime:S
We had a GREAT family trip :) but, then we got back and my brother went to Vegas to celebrate his 2 year anniversary :) So, my parents got to keep the kids and of course I stayed at there house too :) I was shocking in everything :) While the kids were with us we got to go to Knotts Berry Farm :) We had a good time :) I think Joey might be a dare devil when he gets bigger :) he looked at the roller coasters with such amazement :) It was incredible :)
Knotts Berry Farm
Face painting for the Princess :)
My parents were in Heaven :)\
grandparents day :)
It was amazing to see my parents with the kids :)
Then we had my cousin Barbara visiting with her family from Florida :) it had been YEARS sine I have seen her :S The kids are so grown now :S She has a 14 year old that is over 6' tall :S He isn't in the picture but he has massive height :S But, all the kids had a wonderful time and are all SO adorable :)
Cousins :) They are all adorable :)

Another date night :) I told you, I get a multiple of these a month :)
and another date night :) we got to go see this movie opening weekend with the Burrells and it was a GREAT movie :)
12 weeks out of the 1st trimester :)
Im over here perplexed :S This will always be a kid to me but the kid is having a kid :) She's married and having her first little bundle of joy :) So, Im still trying to grasp the fact that my brother made me a aunt and she's about to make me a great aunt before i'm a mom :S
So we are at the end of August beginning of September, and the hubby has this insane schedule at work and class on Sundays :S So, we don't have much of a weekend :S It will be interesting to see what happens in the fall :S We didn't fully plan our summer :S but it turned out nice :) So, the fall should be interestingg. We aren't even completely out of the summer and the hubby has so many plans already :) Game tickets are bought and the timeshare is booked for his birthday and my birthday :) We have to do the Guild festival for his birthday weekend again :) its a new tradition :) and the game is on my birthday :) so exciting :) we are going to have so much FUN :) everyone is invited :)
only downfall is we have to turn down a couple of things :S We can't go to the Fitzgerald wedding cause they are getting married my birthday weekend and we will be in San Diego :S Congratulations Nicole :) We also don't get to do Havasupi with with some of our friends :) it is a GRAND experience and I'm kind of sad, we had to prioritize life :S #nexttime:S
Havasupi is in the grand Canyon :)
Well that rapes up the last 2 months and Im assuming the next 4 months will be GREAT too :) We are going all out for our birthdays :S We 2 events every month :) We are VERY busy people :) B=but it is A OK with me :) #BLESSED:) I hope everyone else has been enjoyed their summer as much as we did :) Stay blessed people :)