Friday, April 25, 2014

Quarter of the year April 2014

Ok where do I start :S ok the beginning. The beginning of this month I was in the great state of Texas :) my trip out there was great.  I got to meet this little prankster and spend time with my niece Claire which was great :)

 My beautiful niece Claire
 At the park with the munchkin :)
Had a good time here to :) it's a place like Johns incredible pizza :)
 Prankster scared the S+++ out of us :S
Joseph Senior and Junior :) it's amazing to me that he has a kid already :)
The prankster had to spend the first week of his life in the NICU because he was born oxygen deprived :S only bad part was because he was in the NICU we didn't get to carry him :S I almost didn't get to meet him either but thankfully that changed..

So what have I been up too.  Well a whole lot :) I always  plan my day and work my plan.  I workout every day and even on my jammed packed days I get a little something in :) I actually am enjoying the new me :) I'm officially addicted to working out.  When I don't work out I miss it :S. Other aspects of the new me that I am accepting and just enjoying is my productivity.  I work on cleaning the housed and on my garden every day too.  The garden is theoretic in its own respect.  I love producing things and we have a whole lot out there :) 

We had our first meal out of our garden this month too.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Great Year So Far :) March in a nut shell :)

Hi everyone.  I hope everyone is doing as great as we are.  Its only April and I feel like it has been a fun productive year so far.  I finished the medical study I have been in for the last two years this month.  The time has just flown buy.  It's hard to believe it's been 2 years already 2.5 since the accident :S. Thankfully the study has shown continued improvements and they know I will continue to improve.  Just a little slower now because individuals with TBI improve the most the first 2 years.

We have continued to make improvements to the house, and it's a continued massive project.  I have to say that I do love the improvements thus far.  I love our new windows.  It's not freezing in the winter and I don't expect it to be a sauna in the summer.  The hardwood floors are great too.  One room left.  They are so much better.  So much easier to clean and my allergies are loving it.  I take an Allegra like once a week and before it was more like every other day :S

We didn't have much planned or going on this month but it is still all good.  I did plan a cousin outing this month that didn't happen.:S  I was really hurt that it didn't happen but understood the reasons as to why.  So, who knows if and when it will happen now :S I just now my mom , two aunts and sister need to make themselves available. That is because my cousin has something planned for us all that I have no clue about:S I have no idea what it is and even though it's later I'm available and looking forward to it.

I've been up to the following.  Working out which has been a beast.  I have goals in mind though.  I know I always say that but these are my last goals.  I want to break 140lbs and be around 135.  So when you see all my post I'm glad it's motivating you but it also helps me keep track.  In some ways it's kind of therapeutic too.  So, I am so glad we converted our garage into a full blown gym.  I always just workout if and when I want too.  Hence the occasional two a days.  I do them because I just feel up to it.  
Current weight :S yes I am putting it out there for all to know :S
Garden thus far :) it looks way better in person :)
The gardening is coming along as well.  It is  therapeutic in its own way.  I find it therapeutic because I look forward to producing something.  My ultimate goal is to produce to the point where I am able 
to reduce our grocery list.  So, it is still a work in progress :) but I love it.  The grass in the back is coming along as well.  Not having the tree back there opens up the yard so much.  

We  also had a great time at the horse races too.  I dealt with my cowboy.  B cleaned up very well and it was funny to see his excitement about his gear..  He loves being a cowboy.  I was a cowgirl for the 
day too wearing my cowgirl boots :)
My Cowboy
Nice horse

The winning horse :)

We are planning another trip to the race track on 4/19/14.  It's our tradition to go the day before Easter.  So, come one come all it is a great experience.  So, there is my invitation so if interested get at us and it is a family friendly environment for those of you that have kids.  I love putting money on a horse and winning :). It is a great feeling.  

So it is the beginning of April and I went  to go meet Joey and see my niece Claire.  I can't shake this whole feeling of loving from a far.  But, I guess I better get use to it :S. Its crazy this July my brother will have been gone for 2 years already.  It so does not seem that long.

Random picture after an 18 hour drive to Texas :)

  Like I said time flies.  I have to get use to this loving from a far but thankfully have been able to see him every couple of months.  We'll see if that changes with the addition to the family.  
Introducing Joseph Manuel Ybanez Jr
The reason I visited Texas :)
 so sad I haven't been able to meet him yet :S keep those prayers coming cause I have come a long way because of them and so will he :) he is just playing a joke on us :S he was born on April fools day.  So he is in the nicu I say and having a bunch of test run but will be like Sike afterwords :)  this picture was taken at birth that's why it looks like he has a big head but it is just because he is swollen :S. And his neck is all turned up like that because that was the position he was in, in the birth canel.  Yes he wanted to come out face first instead of head first :S damn kid scared the S*** out of us with that crap.  
Got to spend quality time with my niece Claire like go bike riding and to the park and to like a chuck e cheese place. 

                                                            Claire my partner for the week :)
                                                                   Nap time :)
                                               Gattiland is like Johns Incredible pizza :)
                                                                           Swing :)
Park :)

It's crazy Claire is such a strong, brave and smart kid. I am not just saying that she really is :)

So that was my month in a nut shell.  Everything is good back home.  I had to leave the hubby there to take care of the house and dogs :) I love being on vacation and seeing pictures of my nephew :) but I miss being in Cali too so home bound I am :) til next time Texas :)  time to continue planning my day and working my plan :) I am a Williams now so I have to continue to get after it :)

Everyone take care and continue to have a great year like we have been doing thus far. Only 2 months to get summer ready so you will continue to see my workout post :)