Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I am so excited its crazy. But, so far I have only been getting good news which is crazy. So HAPPY. But my countdown and preparation for things has officially started. 3 weeks until I become an aunt to my best friends little peanut. But this Sunday is the baby shower and though it was hard shopping on a budget I still spoiled the little peanut. This Saturday is that great wedding in the OC. I'm nervous for B because he is the best man and has to give a speech. Should be a GREAT weekend. Filled with lots of fun with loved ones :). And, then next Friday my who family gets to take off to Texas. But, B has to stay behind to work and to take care of the house and dogs. My brother is getting married on a random date and day. But, it's all good because they have their reasons. It's official too. He is going to make me an aunt again too. And, his little peanut will get spoiled too. It's like a shopping addiction.. I love shopping and spoiling kids. So, if I think about how much I have spoiled my nieces. This little peanut will be spoiled too because it has me. A person that LOVES to shop.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Family Renion Update
We had a great weekend this past weekend. I am a Williams now and enjoyed it all SO much. Above is a picture of B with his cousin and Aunties. And every one looks WONDERFUL. I want to look so wonderful like his aunties when I get older. But, ultimately we had a GREAT time. So, I am glad that I convinced B to spend the money and too go. Only bad part was that American completly messed up our flight plan going and coming back. So I have been emailing them and complaining. So, we want to get something out of it. But, the family reunion was full of activities. Friday night started off with a meet and great. So, we can see and meet everyone who was apart of the event. Then, saturday followed up with a hawaiian BBQ at the park. Then, that evening was a movie night. Then, Sunday was a bankquet with a lot of wonderful announcements. With great people announcing great things too us. Then from the bankquet we had to catch our flight to come home. :S
Everything has been good since we have been home. But, today was hectic for me with all the packing I had to do. And, then to top it off I still need to loose a few pounds for a dress for my brothers wedding. And we also have another wedding on 8/3/13. So I had to pack all the crap I need for both events.

I <3 this picture so I had to post it. I love the wedding colors too :)

I <3 this one too. He is our hero so I guess we will share him with some great people.
So, we had a great beginning of the summer. We kicked it off Memorial Day weekend at the lack and I got a great tan. Then a few weeks to rest. Then ended the mobth of June in Las Vegasa at a GREAT bachlorette party. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas :). Then we had our annual block party for the fourth of July. Followed with a weekend by myself. So I did a little retail therapy and found dresses for the weddings at a GREAT price. Followed by our trip to ALABAMA. Only down fall to our trip to Alabama was not being able to see my uncle and cousins, that came in for a visit :(. Then, this weekend we were suppose to go camping because it is our neighbors birthday, but can't :(
We are still looking forward to some events though. the summer isnt over yet. B is Best Man at a Wedding on 8/3/13. So he needs to formulate his speech. I am so nervous for him because he HATES public speaking. And, then 8/13/13 is my brothers wedding in Texas. I only get to go to that. So, B has to stay back and watch over the houses and the dogs. Then we get to wrapt our summer at the lake again hopefully for Labor day Weekend in Laughlin again :).
Friday, July 5, 2013
Home Alone Weekend
Ok last weekend the girls had a GREAT time in Vegas.. So this weekend it is all about the guys. So, my husband was able to host a great bachelor party. I helped a little with the planning even though he was able to keep some things under rape. All I know is the guys are going to have a blast with all the breweries down In San Diego. So, I am home alone this weekend :(. I am just trying to figure out what I am going to do with all my time. A girl can only work out so much and clean so much too. So the plan is to keep it all like this CLEAN. But, this past week was great. Seeing my brother and meeting his new family was great. I swear we are the busiest people around. He has San Diego this weekend, next week we are visiting Alabama, 8/3 is the wedding, then maybe a baby shower 8/4, then my brothers wedding 8/13 and we are driving to Texas, so leaving 8/9 and be back 8/15. So I think that takes me back. We are the busiest people around. So thankfully after that I think we don't have anything til October. Time to Celebrate the Scorpios birthdays and then the holidays :S. Time is moving so fast I can't even believe that when I think of the longevity of things the holidays will be upon us again :(.
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