It has been a Great year so far. And, the weekend was GREAT too.
This weekend was great because we had a lot going on. I got to spend time with my family and my husband got some guy time in too.
My weekend started on Thursday. I went to Mt. Sac to sign up to be apart of their brain injury program. You would think since I was able to obtain my master degree I would not have to go back to school. But, I signed up to go back to school and start this Thursday. I signed up because I am determined to not let my injury get in the way of me achieving my goals. And, I want to enter the work force some day again. I am so nervous to be attending school again. I don't know what to expect. I just know that it is a program and not a class.
Then, Friday I spent the night with my parents, because my husband had a bachelor party to attend. So, given that I am not able to stay by myself over night. I stayed over there. And, my parents took me out to dinner. And, we went to the mall to walk around, while we waited.
Then on Saturday we chilled all day. And, then on SUNDAY we attended a GREAT wedding. My best friend went ahead and tied the note. And, it was a GREAT wedding, and I got emotional. I think I got emotional because it took me back. I remember my wedding like it was yesterday. So, I was so happy to witness them exchanging vows. And, in a couple of months I will get emotional again when their baby arrives. That is because babies are so precious. They will become great parents. :)
Yesterday, was GREAT. It was so good to hear how I have impacted so many people. I had a lot of random people approach me and, let me know how great I look and how I have touched their lives. So, yesterday was GREAT. Only thing is that it left me with a huge question. I found myself wondering why random people approached me. It was like how did they know I was in an accident? Like do I look that disabled or something?
And, I try not to be so stressed out or think about next month. But, it is to hard not too. It is always on my mind. I just know that god has blessed us and will continue to bless us.
So, thanks everyone for the great words and prayer.
Love, Brandon and Angela